Muzzle Measurement Guide

There are so many different types of dogs! With such variety, having your dog’s specific measurements is necessary for us to build your dog’s perfect muzzle.

This guide will walk you through the process to get your dog’s measurements, but keep in mind that some dogs will be quite uncomfortable with the measurement process. It’s often a tricky ordeal, so please don't make the process harder on your dog by feeling that you need to get the measurements all at once. It’s important to respect your dog’s communication, and take a break if they’re uncomfortable with having measurements taken, especially if they’re a bite risk!

For Custom Orders, if you need more time to take measurements, you can submit the measurements you have gotten so far with your order, and send us the remaining measurements later. However, we will need all measurements to determine your pup’s size and to start building your order, so please try not to put it off for long!

For Standard Muzzle sizing, please use your measurements gathered here to reference the guidelines under each standard size listing to check if your dog will fit into that size. We are happy to help recommend a size for your dog if you reach out to us with the info gathered in this guide.

Things to keep in mind…

Taking measurements is almost always a two person job! It’s incredibly difficult to get accurate measurements on your own, and getting pictures of those measurements on your own is even more difficult. If possible, cash in a favor with your dog’s second favorite person to get a second pair of hands and eyes involved in the fun.

When measuring, and especially when taking pictures, make sure there is not more than 1” between the measuring tape and the dog! Ideally, they would be taken right up against the dog. Too much distance between the dog and the measurement tape will skew perspective, and therefore give incorrect measurements!

Also ensure you hold the tape measure straight when taking all measurements. A curved tape measure will give incorrect measurements, especially in pictures. We do not use any circumference measurements. Best practice is to use a stiff tape measure or ruler instead of a flexible one, but as long as you hold the flexible tape measure straight and do not curve it, it will suffice.

If your dog is scared of the measuring tape, you can measure with something less scary. You could use a string instead, and use a marker to mark spots along the string in 1/2 inch or 1cm increments. This way is likely to get accurate results with less stress. If you go this route, please ensure you hold the string taut and straight, and we’d also suggest you measure multiple times to ensure the measurement is correct. It’s especially helpful to get pictures when using this method to easily verify measurements.

Pictures and videos are extremely helpful! We do require reference photos (or video) of them for custom muzzles. Please try to get as many pictures of these as possible, so we can get you the most accurate fit possible. Please email them to us at Feel free to send us your outtakes too; seeing your goofy happy pup would make our day!

Take breaks! Take pictures and videos! Use good treats! Be gentle! Be safe!
Don’t rush to do it all at once, and reach out if you need help!

1. Nose Length

  • We really prefer to see a photo of this measurement for Custom Muzzle Orders and for assistance in sizing for Standard Muzzles, but we may be able to use the #6 photo for reference if you really struggle to get one.

  • You will get this measurement from about 1cm or .5in below your dog’s eyes/tear ducts, to the end of their nose. If your dog's lips protrude further than the tip of their nose, account for the full length, from 1cm below the eyes to the furthest point of their lips.

  • DO NOT add length to this measurement for space at the front of the muzzle, since we account for that in the sizing of our muzzles. There should be an extra .25 inch or so between the tip of your dog’s nose and the front of the muzzle when worn, which is built in to our size guide.

  • Ensure the measurement tape is up against the dog's head or within about an inch of their head when reading the measurement, or you will get an incorrect number. It is important to hold the measurement tape straight and not curve it to the head at all.

2. Snout Width

  • Snout width should be measured across the top of your dog’s snout, generally where it is widest. Your measuring tape should fall at the same 1/2" below or 1cm below the eye line that you used in the above nose length measurement.

  • The width of the snout is meant to measure the width of the bone, so be careful not to measure extra width for squished lips, especially if the dog is lying down while you take this measurement.

  • This measurement should be taken at a straight angle- meaning not curved over the arch of your dog’s snout.

  • When taking pictures of this, make sure the head is not tilted to the camera, or you will get incorrect results.

  • Ensure the measurement tape is up against the dog's head or within about an inch of their head when reading the measurement, or you will get an incorrect number.

  • Ensure you are measuring only the width of the snout, not any extra length of measurement tape on either side of the head.

3. Cheek Width

  • A Photo of this Measurement is required for Custom Muzzle Orders, and preferred for assistance in sizing Standard Muzzles.

  • You will get this measurement from the top of the head, at the widest point of the cheeks, usually in the center of the forehead. This measurement is essential to get correct, especially if you have a dog with cheeks wider than 5” across.

  • Like the snout width, make sure not to curve your measuring tape, rather measure straight across. This measurement is super important but easy to measure incorrectly, which is why we want to verify it to ensure your pup’s cheeks won’t get squished!

  • When taking pictures of this, make sure the head is not tilted to the camera, or you will get incorrect results.

  • Ensure the measurement tape is up against the dog's head or within about an inch of their head when reading the measurement, or you will get an incorrect number.

  • It is important to hold the measurement tape straight and not curve it to the head at all.

  • Ensure you are measuring only the width of the head, not any extra length of measurement tape on either side of the head.

4. Fully Open Mouth Height

  • A Photo of this Measurement OR #5 is required for Custom Muzzle Orders, and preferred for assistance in sizing Standard Muzzles. #5 is usually much easier to photograph :)

  • This measurement is meant to determine the height of your dog's full pant, and allows us to ensure your dog can comfortably open their mouth in their muzzle to pant, drink, eat and yawn.

  • Open Mouth Height should start at the ridge of your dog’s nose, and extend straight down to the lowest part of the bottom of the open jaw, perpendicular to the nose ridge.

  • The easiest way to get an accurate open mouth measurement is to have your dog hold their favorite toy or treat in their mouth! The toy you use should be the size of something that accurately demonstrates their pant height. The goal is not to show how large your dog can overextend opening their mouth; the goal is an accurate representation of their full pant height. Refer to your Side Profile Panting Picture for reference of how large their mouth should be opened.

  • Alternatively, we can usually estimate the height of their pant using a picture of their closed mouth height and a side profile full pant picture, if you're unable to determine this measurement. Getting a true measurement is always preferred.

  • This is one of the most difficult measurements to get, so make sure to be patient with your dog and let us know if you need any help!

  • This measurement should be taken at a straight angle- meaning not curved over the arch of your dog’s snout. A curved or bent measurement tape will get the wrong measurement.

  • Ensure the measurement tape is up against the dog's head or within about an inch of their head when reading the measurement, or you will get an incorrect number.

  • Ensure you are measuring only the height of the open mouth, not any extra length of measurement tape on either side of the head.

5. Closed Mouth Height

  • A Photo of this Measurement OR #4 is required for Custom Muzzle Orders, and preferred for assistance in sizing Standard Muzzles.

  • The closed mouth height is measured from the ridge of your dog’s nose to the bottom of their jaw.

  • Make sure the measuring tape is held straight, and not curved against your dog’s snout.

  • If your dog has long jowls, specify whether the jowls are included in this measurement! This measurement is mostly used for reference to ensure the open height is correct, so it’s especially important if you can’t get a photo of the open height measurement.

6. Side Head Length

  • A Photo of this Measurement is required for Custom Muzzle Orders, and for assistance in sizing for Standard Muzzles.

  • This measurement should begin at the tip of your dog’s nose, extend along the side of your dog’s face and below the ear, and end right at the base of their ear.

  • This is used to determine the length of the cheek bars of your dog’s muzzle, so that the bars don’t extend past the ears, which could cause the muzzle to slip off easily and fit uncomfortably.

  • Please make sure the whole side of the face is visible in the photo when you take measurement photos for this!

7. Nose to Neck Length

  • We use this measurement to make sure your dog’s muzzle will not push into their neck. If your dog’s muzzle is pushing into their neck, it can throw off the whole fit of the muzzle and it would need to be returned for adjustment, so this is a very important measurement.

  • Start this measurement at the tip of your dog’s nose(or lips if they extend past your dog's nose), and end it at the front of their neck, approximately a half inch from where their throat begins (for a medium/large size dog).

  • It’s important to not take the measurement with the tape measure pushed into their throat, so that the bottom of the muzzle will not be pushing into their throat when worn. Allow for about .5-1” of space between the start of this measurement and the neck as it rests naturally with the dog sitting straight.

8. Full Pant Side Profile Photo

  • This reference photo does not have to have a measurement tape in it. It is required for Custom Muzzle Orders, and for assistance in sizing for Standard Muzzles.

  • This is an important reference point for us when we are determining how much space your dog will need in order to comfortably fully pant in their muzzle.

  • These images are most accurate when taken from a bit of a distance, with your dog in full side profile view, directly perpendicular to the camera.

  • It is okay for your dog to not be fully panting in this photo, though we prefer it, but please give us the context for whether it is a true full pant for your dog, or closer to a mid pant. We will do our best to estimate this otherwise.

  • This photo is especially integral for sizing if you do not have an open mouth height measurement photo for us to reference, though even if you do, we often still like to see the side profile full pant pic as a reference point of the dog’s shape when they are actually panting.

  • We recommend looking through your camera roll to see if you have photos of your dog fully panting from the side profile, and remember that you can check videos of your dog and screenshot stills of them if needed! If you can’t find any, a game of fetch, a run around the block, or a fun romp around with some safe buddies may do the trick :)

  • While we can use a photo of your dog yawning, we do prefer to see an actual full pant photo.

  • Though forward-facing panting photos can be sometimes helpful to us in getting a good understanding of your dog’s shape (and they’re usually really cute) we do need to see the side profile view specifically to figure out sizing. We will compare this to your dog’s closed mouth height measurement photo.

Sometimes you won’t be able to find or take a full pant picture, since it may not be accessible for you or your dog to get a photo of their actual full pant. PLEASE do not intentionally put them in stressful situations to induce panting! Instead, you might be able to capture them with their mouth open in other situations. Try feeding them a super crunchy treat, and take a video to capture when their mouth opens wide. You could catch them mid-yawn, (again videos are great for this) or maybe your dog has an obsession with biting at sprinklers and you can both enjoy a fun time in the yard! :)

Measurement Checklist

1. Nose Length (L)*

2. Snout Width (SW)

3. Cheek Width (CW)*

4. Open Mouth Height (OH)

5. Closed Mouth Height (CH)*

6. Side Head Length (HL)*

7. Nose to Neck Length (NN)

8. Side Profile Full Pant Photo*

*Photo Required for Size Verification

Fabulous Job Taking Measurements!


Fabulous Job Taking Measurements! 🐾

If you haven’t already, you’re ready to order!